🌀 Unscope
On the installation of a plugin without any slashes (/) in its name the annex will query the GitHub API searching for
, sorting on stars. -
After finding the best result it sets it as the full remote-id of the plugin, storing the ID on disk for later automatic use.
For security, for such GH-API request to be made a newly added (by this annex) ice:
is required to be given. -
そうでない場合は、プラグインのニックネームとフルスコープIDの静的マッピングデータベースのみが検索されます。 It contains many mappings, like, e.g.:
vi-reg → zsh-vi-more/evil-registers
, and some of the popular plugins, like, e.g.:zsh-syntax-highlighting → zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
and more.
Fill request to add new repositories with scoped IDs.
Besides the GitHub-API querying, there's also a fixed, curated list of mappings of short names to the full GitHub IDs:
略称(ニックネーム) | GitHub ID / scoped ID |
null | z-shell/null |
z-a-readurl | z-shell/z-a-readurl |
readurl | z-shell/z-a-readurl |
rdurl | z-shell/z-a-readurl |
z-a-patch-dl | z-shell/z-a-patch-dl |
patch-dl | z-shell/z-a-patch-dl |
z-a-submods | z-shell/z-a-submods |
submods | z-shell/z-a-submods |
z-a-rust | z-shell/z-a-rust |
rust | z-shell/z-a-rust |
z-a-bin-gem-node | z-shell/z-a-bin-gem-node |
bin-gem-node | z-shell/z-a-bin-gem-node |
bgn | z-shell/z-a-bin-gem-node |
meta | z-shell/z-a-meta-plugins |
metaplg | z-shell/z-a-meta-plugins |
meta-plugins | z-shell/z-a-meta-plugins |
archive | PZTM::archive |
arch | PZTM::archive |
directory | PZTM::directory |
dir | PZTM::directory |
environment | PZTM::environment |
env | PZTM::environment |
utility | PZTM::utility |
util | PZTM::utility |
fast-syntax-highlighting | z-shell/fast-syntax-highlighting |
f-sy-h | z-shell/fast-syntax-highlighting |
fsh | z-shell/fast-syntax-highlighting |
history-search-multi-word | z-shell/history-search-multi-word |
hsmw | z-shell/history-search-multi-word |
zui | z-shell/zui |
ZUI | z-shell/zui |
zconvey | z-shell/zconvey |
zconv | z-shell/zconvey |
zbrowse | z-shell/zbrowse |
zzcomplete | z-shell/zzcomplete |
zzcomp | z-shell/zzcomplete |
zzcom | z-shell/zzcomplete |
zsh-autosuggestions | zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions |
autosuggestions | zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions |
autosug | zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions |
asug | zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions |
z-asug | zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions |
zsh-syntax-highlighting | zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting |
z-sy-h | zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting |
zsh-autocomplete | marlonrichert/zsh-autocomplete |
autocomplete | marlonrichert/zsh-autocomplete |
autocomp | marlonrichert/zsh-autocomplete |
aucom | marlonrichert/zsh-autocomplete |
acom | marlonrichert/zsh-autocomplete |
z-aucom | marlonrichert/zsh-autocomplete |
z-acom | marlonrichert/zsh-autocomplete |
zsh-autopair | hlissner/zsh-autopair |
autopair | hlissner/zsh-autopair |
aupair | hlissner/zsh-autopair |
aupa | hlissner/zsh-autopair |
z-aupa | hlissner/zsh-autopair |
evil-registers | zsh-vi-more/evil-registers |
evil-reg | zsh-vi-more/evil-registers |
vi-reg | zsh-vi-more/evil-registers |
vireg | zsh-vi-more/evil-registers |
vi-motions | zsh-vi-more/vi-motions |
evil-mot | zsh-vi-more/vi-motions |
vi-mot | zsh-vi-more/vi-motions |
vimot | zsh-vi-more/vi-motions |
vi-increment | zsh-vi-more/vi-increment |
evil-inc | zsh-vi-more/vi-increment |
vi-inc | zsh-vi-more/vi-increment |
viinc | zsh-vi-more/vi-increment |
vi-quote | zsh-vi-more/vi-quote |
evil-qte | zsh-vi-more/vi-quote |
vi-qte | zsh-vi-more/vi-quote |
viqte | zsh-vi-more/vi-quote |
directory-marks | zsh-vi-more/directory-marks |
evil-dir-marks | zsh-vi-more/directory-marks |
vi-dir-marks | zsh-vi-more/directory-marks |
vi-dirma | zsh-vi-more/directory-marks |
vidirma | zsh-vi-more/directory-marks |
fd | sharkdp/fd |
shark-fd | sharkdp/fd |
bat | sharkdp/bat |
shark-bat | sharkdp/bat |
exa | ogham/exa |
zsh-completions | zsh-users/zsh-completions |
completions | zsh-users/zsh-completions |
comps | zsh-users/zsh-completions |
Install unscope
- Default
Add the following snippet in the .zshrc
zi light z-shell/z-a-unscope
これにより、スコープ ID の検索と解決が可能になります。